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Cancer of the colon and large intestine injury

The infection spread of colon cancer affects the large intestine . It can be the case of colon cancer, life-threatening , but , if caught early met to a large extent for the treatment , by means of surgery and radiotherapy or chemical .

Colon cancer usually begins in the form of reproduction plus the normal cells , which is called polyps or polyps .

Whenever these polyps discovered and removed early , whenever they get a chance to avoid colon cancer or recovering better .

Colon cancer tend to be family ( genetic ) Therefore, the relatives of the patients had to undergo regular check-ups .

Other factors that help to get cancer :

Eating too much high-fat foods poor in fiber, or recurrent infections in the colon . May help take aspirin regularly to reduce the risk of colon cancer . The incidence of colon cancer is suspected if the tests showed that there was blood in the stool . The doctor may discover during the process of routinely touched anal lesion in the anus or rectum. There are two types of endoscopy are opening to the doctor to see inside the colon are colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy .

As for other types of cancer , early detection by the attention to the signs that warn of colon cancer can improve the results of treatment .


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